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Publisher information


This website is the property of EUROFIDAI UAR CNRS/ESSEC 3390.


This website was designed by Probesys and uses CMS open-source Drupal, version 9.

SARL SCOP PROBESYS - spécialiste GNU/Linux
RCS Grenoble - SIRET 448 080 606 00032
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Personal Data

The collection and processing of your personal data on the website paris-december is based on the European General Data Protection Regulation and the French data protection Act.

Collected information on this website through webforms have a sole purpose and is restricted to request's process strict necessary. It will only be transferred to the concerned department.

Data will be deleted within 36 months after the request is processed.

Users are also reminded that the confidentiality of correspondence cannot be guaranteed on the network and that every Internet user is reponsible for his correspondance.

You have the right to object, access and modify your data. You also have the right to delete your data as long as it is no longer useful regarding request's processing.

To exercise your rights you can contact our delegate to data protection including proof of your identity (copy of your ID) : contact form


A "cookie" is a small text file stored on your computer when visiting a website. Cookies aim to collect information on your browsing experience.

Traffic data only serve the purpose of analysing our website information pages attendance to upgrade its content and enhance your browsing experience. Data related to visitor's browsing experience is not processed nominatively. These aggregated statistics allow to highlight the most and less popular pages, preferred paths, levels of activity at a certain time of the day or certain day of the week, main client or server error reports...

Cookies are only placed if you continue your browsing or if you accept for it to be collected. The duration of your consent cannot exceed 13 months. After this term your consent will have to be renewed.

You can also set your browser for cookies management.